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Logos, trademarks or other drawings vectorized by evectorize.com for a customer will not be sold, transferred or added to our “Ready Logos” library without the written consent of the customer who supplied the original bitmap image.

Purchase of a vectorized logo or trademark in NO WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, grants you permission to use the logos commercially, nor does it transfer, grant, or lease ownership of any of the logos & trademarks to you. The provided artwork may be the intellectual property of the copyright and/or trademark holder and is offered to you as a convenience for lawful use with proper permission from the copyright and/or trademark holder only.

evectorize.com shall not be held liable for the unauthorized, improper, and illegal use of any of the logos and trademarks it vectorized or sold through its “Ready Logos” libraries.

In many countries it is permitted to use copyrighted material for noncommercial purpose. However commercial display of some of the marks requires permission from the copyright holders.

Logos & trademarks vectorized by this site may be registered trademarks of their respective owners and copyright holders. evectorize.com claims no copyright or ownership in ANY form on ANY of the marks provided.

We assume no responsibility for ANY damages or ANY wrong doing that the purchaser may cause by using the logos & trademarks in ANY way.

Please use common sense when using the logos or trademarks.
Check to see if permission is required before any use.